
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hamfest deal

I guess it pays to linger at ham swaps till the end. Not only to socialize with old ham friends but to capitalize on last minute price drops on equipment. Last Saturday at the IRA swap in Hudsonville, Michigan I was ready to leave when I saw a seller packing away a rack of rigs. In his collection I saw a oldie but goodie....The Realistic PRO-2006 400 channel scanner. Scanning is my other "radio love", so I picked it up for a mere $20. It was worth $400 new in the 90s. It works like a charm and is a welcome addition to the shack. Now I can monitor those 6 m and 10 m openings! My interest in scanning has just been revived after a long lull.....


Jyoti Chakravartty VU3BGI said...

that is really a good bargain for $20 i hope you will enjoy listening various bands.


Jyoti de vu3bgi

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov on your first trip to Dayton. You talked about it for decades and I'm finally glad you had a chance to go! -- Marcy